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Tips for Painting The Interior of Your Home

One of the first steps to any great remodel is putting a new coat of paint on everything. However, you don’t just want to slap any old paint color on your walls – you want to choose one that fits your tastes and the style of the room. You’ll also need to use effective painting techniques when working on your home to ensure that the paint job will stay for years to come. Here are some of our best tips for painting in West Virginia that we’ve discovered over the years.

Test out the color before you buy it in large quantities.

It’s important to be extremely sure of the color you want before making a big investment. Once you’ve examined your options and made a decision, buy a small amount and swatch it on a piece of foam board or other similar material. Wait a day or two to make sure you are completely committed to the color, and then go back and buy as much as you need.

Clean your walls and ceilings before getting started.

If you try to apply a new coat of paint to dirty walls, you likely won’t be happy with the finished product. The paint won’t stick to the wall if there’s existing dirt or grime, so give your walls a thorough wash. Don’t neglect your ceilings either, even if you aren’t painting them. Dust, dirt, and cobwebs can accumulate up there and then affect your painting later on. Additionally, you’ll want to fill any holes in your walls with spackle, as paint adheres much more effectively to walls that are even.

Mix together all the paint you have.

When you buy multiple cans of the same shade, there’s a chance that there might be miniscule variations in color from can to can. This can look very obvious when applied to your walls, but can be easily prevented by using a simple pro tip – mix together all the paint you’ll be using ahead of time. By mixing everything together, you’ll be absolutely sure that everything is the same shade.

Give your paint adequate time to dry and set.

Even if your paint seems dry, you’ll want to give it time before starting to use the room as normal again. Give it one to two days before putting any furniture in the room, and wait about two weeks before touching or cleaning the wall just to make sure everything sets.

Common House Painting Mistakes to Avoid

Painting the your home is one of the easiest ways to spruce it up and add value to the space. Although a full remodel can be pricey, painting is something you can do easily on your own. However, it’s important to be very thoughtful about the way you use your painting. Many homeowners make silly mistakes when painting that are difficult to fix after the fact like heated floors, which detracts from the look and value of their home. Here are some of the most common painting mistakes we’ve seen in West Virginia and tips on how to avoid them.

Painting on dirty or uneven walls.

It’s very important that you prep your surface ahead of time before starting the project. Many people don’t realize that you should spend ample time washing your walls, evening them out with spackle, and removed any existing paint that is peeling or cracking. Spending a little extra time getting your walls ready will be extremely beneficial in the long run, because the paint will last longer and look much better.

Choosing a polarizing color.

Although a bright pink living room might seem fun and trendy at the time, chances are it will feel outdated in a year or two. Even if you really love bright colors, having a home with these unique color options can make things difficult if you decide to sell. When shopping for colors, try to find a balance between what you love and what potential home buyers might be okay with. If you can’t live without the brights, use them as accent colors instead.

Leaving the paint can open for long periods of time.

You spent a lot of money investing in a new paint color for your residential home improvement, so it’s very important not to waste it on silly mistakes. If you leave your paint open for too long, it can dry out or become dirty, which leads to an unappealing result. There’s also a chance that someone in your home will step on the lid of the paint can, which will result in tracks all over the house.

Not investing in good rollers and brushes.

If you have subpar brushes, paint rollers, or other applicators, it makes it very difficult to apply paint evenly and cleanly. Although it may seem like a hassle at the time, it will be worth it to spend more money on brushes in the long run when you have a gorgeous new coat of paint on your walls. If you are unsure which brushes to buy, ask a knowledgeable employee for help when purchasing your paint colors. They will likely be able to point you towards the best tools for your needs.

Painting when it’s extremely cold outside.

Cold temperatures can really ruin your paint, so be sure to paint when it’s relatively warm outside. When paint freezes, it can’t dry properly and will come off very easily. You should also make sure that you store your paints consistently at a good temperature, even when you aren’t using them. On the other hand, you’ll also want to avoid painting when it’s too hot. If the weather is dry and hot, you won’t be able to spread the paint evenly, but if the weather is humid and hot, it won’t stick to the walls well enough.

Skipping primer.

Primer is extremely helpful for making your paint last longer and look better, so it’s definitely not something that should be skipped over. A good primer will even out the surface of the wall and give the paint an easy surface to stick to. You can purchase a good primer when buying your paint.